Wednesday 30 May 2012

Wow what a long day. I left Toronto around 7pm for a 7 hour and 50 minute plane ride to Barcelona. It was one of those older crappier planes with no tv in front of you. That was fine, I had Tucker Max to keep me company for a while. And Kl, I know what kinda jokes you're are in to now...

When I arrived at the airport in Barcelona there was some kind of protest (surprising for a European country right?) but no cops so no violence. I walked around the airport looking for a bus to take. Luckily there was just enough English for me to understand where the public transit was (I was also creepily stalking other people).

I got the hostel about 2 hours later than I expected because of a combination of delayed flight, no map, and no road signs. I dropped off my stuff, did some paper work, then the hostess went on to explain everything I should see in Barcelona. The people who run the hostel are a lot more friendly than I thought they would be. I went out to explore the neighbourhood and get lunch and guess where I went? At least I ate it in front of my fav architect's, Antoni Gaudi, Battlo house. It's the curvy house in the background.

Went to the Sagrada Familia after that, which is basically the reason I wanted to come to Barcelona in the first place. Cost me 13 euros to get in but I totally made it worth it. I think I spent a total of 2 hours walking, sitting, and leaning inside the cathedral. I promise myself I will come back when it is finished.
A little background info on the Sagrada Familia: It was a project that Gaudi spent his last 40 years constructing it. It was a cathedral began 130 years ago. It took so long due to a series of money shortages and wars that stopped its construction. It will be the largest, and in my opinion, the most unique, cathedral built in Europe when it is done. I think Gaudi was around 70 when he died. He was hit by a bus.

When I got back to the hostel I took a nap. Woke up and went to the beach where I uploaded that picture on fb. Walked around more and ate dinner at this place beside the hostel. The owner was Chinese... didn´t speak a word of English only Spanish and mandarin. So guess what language I had to speak to her in??? I got tested on my Mandarin skills in Spain and I horribly failed. She asked me a few things and I told her the only thing I am confident to say in Mandarin, "Sorry my Mandarin is really bad, I can speak Cantonese". No Cantonese. So I was forced to remember everything I learned from school and told her a few things she wanted to know. This was yesterday... I still need to find a time to catch up with today´s adventure... crap I am not gonna keep you guys updated afterall

The End

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