Friday 1 June 2012

Two days ago I went to another Gaudi creation, the park guell (with two dots above the 'u'). I must say that travelling on my own is really starting to feel like I'm playing Final Fantasy. This park was like mountain trails and every now and then there is a random weird looking building or courtyard. There were also a lot of people playing music around the park so there was constant background music.
There in the park was probably one of the WORST  violin players I've ever heard playing "Stand by Me". Well if he's performing in public then maybe I don't play as bad as I thought.
When I was finished with my trip to the park, I was ready to go back to the hostel to take a good nap. I got back and the guy at the front desk asked me if I wanted to go to see a "Flamenco". Having no idea what it was I went with the "why not" attitude and followed him and 5 other people from the hostel. Here is where I really started to have fun. In one outing I met 2 Americans, 2 Frenchies, 4 Britons, a Mexican, and an Australian. No other Canadians. O, btw a Flamenco is the Spanish dance with the emotional dancing and singing and stomping.
Later we drank together and I had to pack it in for the night. End of May 30.

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