Monday 2 July 2012

July 1, 2012
I thought we didn't do much this day, but I guess we did. We went to do laundry at a laundromat just downstairs and while we waited we went grocery shopping for food to cook since we now know how expensive Paris is. We bought a frozen pizza for lunch, not realizing there was no oven at the place we're staying, but I'll get to that later.I dealt with the laundry and Rach went up to get lunch started.
Pretty straight forward. Just laundry. NBD anymore! But my bags were hardly big enough to carry all the clothes back. When I did get back, Rach had devised a way to cook the pizza in tis MICRO conventional oven. Anything to save money.
When we were all done we headed out to the Musee d'Orsay. They have work by Van Gogh, Matisse, Monet, Manet, and more famous academy painters. She follows the Rick Steve guide to the museum and I just follow her. It was also free museum day in Paris since it was the first Sunday of the month, so needless to say it was packed.
We try to go back to the Louvre after since we missed a few things, but by the time we got there, they weren't letting people in anymore. So we walk around the area and got icecream+waffle and some icecream brownie thing from Hagen Daaz. We just chilled at the park in front of the Louvre for an hr or so, then we walked to the famous Opera designed by Charles Garnier! We didn't go in...
We decided to get back to the place we're staying at and eat dinner. I "cooked" dinner... it was canned ravioli. Rachel said Dalton doesn't call it cooking because it's just reheating. Well, when I'm in front of a stove whether I'm cooking or just reheating, just call it cooking to make me feel like I'm growing up please.
That's it for the day. Days are getting more and more tiresome for me. Maybe it's about time to head home soon. 10 days to go!

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