Thursday 5 July 2012

This morning we left Paris (ya it is very upsetting) and took a train to Caen. Nothing really happened here so lets skip over to the good part.
We picked up our rental car today at Caen! I wanted to get a make that isn't available at home, but we got a Chevy. Well, this Chevy isn't sold at home, so close enough! It is super tiny. The trunk only fits one of our bags. I love it! I love tiny cars! It is also manual transmission so only I get to drive it (muahahahaha). We drove t the castle that was about 5 mins away. One bad thing about having cars, and this applies everywhere, is parking. O well, there's a price for luxury.
At the castle there were a few mini-museums. We went into the historic Normandy museum. We didn't see anything historic about the region, but we did see a historic survey of lace. On our way out we see this old lady with an American flag scarf arguing with the reception. I only heard her say, "We lost more people than you", and the reception firing back with "we lost a lot too. The fight was in our country not yours." Sigh... you gotta love em Amurikanz.
We walked to a place to eat dinner. Oh my fries were awesome. 7.30 euros for steak and fries. We gotta splurg sometime right?
When we got to the Airbnb place, there was a guy waiting for us outside. He took us to his apartment. It was huge! Nice big kitchen, big washroom, and best of all, Stormtrooper paraphernalia everywhere! Stormtrooper poster, stormtrooper keychain, and Stormtrooper rubber ducky! Then he says bye and leaves us to his whole apartment. He doesn't live here. He lives with his girlfriend somewhere else. Well then, nice big apartment and not sharing it with another soul. This is vacation. No more sharing bathrooms and no more being paranoid about our belongings. We get comfy, take a shower, then plan out tomorrow's plans for Mont St. Michel. We also had to stay in because apparently I brought the storm from Cologne to Caen too... Rachel is mad at me for this.

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