Thursday 12 July 2012

July 10-11, 2012
This morning Rach and I basically did the same thing. We woke up around 9:30 and ate the breakfast waiting for us downstairs. During breakfast, we remembered that we still had that bottle of rose in the fridge. I didn't want to drink it so early since I knew it would be disastrous, but Rach said she didn't want to drink alone, so I had a glass. I already have trouble dealing with eating in the morning, so what do you think will happen if I drank in the morning?!
We left the house at 12ish to go back to the shopping area in Nice since I still needed to get my grandpa something. Omg I thought I was having some sort of anxiety attack. The bus was super stuffy and my head started to hurt, so I closed my eyes. We finally made it to our destination after a 40 minute bus ride. I was feeling very uncomfortable now. It's not because I was wasted off that glass, but it made my heart pump a lil faster, and it was reacting funny with my coffee+nutella toast breakfast. So first thing's first, find a washroom and banish the evil inside me.
We went to the Gallerie Lafayette and I went straight to look for the toilet. 3rd floor and it costs 50 cents! Whatever. What needs to be done needs to be done. I did feel a lot better after, but almost immediately my stomach felt very empty. I decided to suck it up and just go walk around for a while before I complain about being hungry. We hoped to catch the antique market that was around yesterday, but this is how we found out it was only on Mondays. Today was a flower market... Well I can't bring that home for my grandpa. I then recollected that I saw a leather goods store, and what better gift than a WALLET?! I hope we didn't get him one last year. Well even if we did too bad because I just got him another one. Done deal. Mission accomplished! I've done my shopping in Europe once and for all!
We had a pizza for lunch and then I got worried about being late to the airport so I dragged Rach back to where we are staying. On our walk back she finds a jewelry store and finds a gift for her sis. Yay we both accomplished something today!
We got back around 5:30pm and I took a shower and repacked everything. Btw the cockroach had disappeared so I could have packed it and it is currently on its way to Canada. Anyway, we check the bus schedule and get a little confused. Is there a bus going to the airport at 8pm? If not why would they put the time on the schedule? If yes then why doesn't it say when it arrives at it's destination like the other times? I decided to assume it was coming and if not I would call a cab. Our place was pretty close to the airport anyway. At about 6:30 our host comes home and comes to say hi. Rach asks her a few questions about her journey for tomorrow. Afterwards I ask her to confirm that there is a bus coming at 8pm. She takes a look, then says no. Uh oh. But she is a very very very nice lady and offered to drive me there because it is very close. Wow she is awesome. I think I've met the most friendly people in Nice. The Nicest people heh. So I sat around and tried to take a nap while Rach was figuring out her Nimes to Barcelona trip.
At 9 we head to the airport together including Rach. It was about a 5 minute ride. When we got there I thank our host very much and said goodbye to Rach. The next time we meet will be at least December! I got my stuff out of the car and went in to the airport, but not before getting a Nice picture of the three of us.
I was an hr and a half early, which was later than I expected. I must of read my ticket wrong again. At least this time I made sure even if I was late I would be early! I got to my gate and watched The Incredibles in French on T.V. until boarding time. The plane I got on was so old school. No screens AT ALL so the flight attendants had to do the actual demo while someone speaks in 3 languages. I noticed that usually when any type of driver, conductor, or aviator has to speak multiple languages, their English is very fast and uncomprehendable. So I'm wondering, are their other languages the same? Can anyone actually understand them? Anyway, we take off, and before I could get a nap in, we get to Barcelona.
Yay I'm back in Barcelona again! That makes the total times I've been to the airport 3 times! I like Barcelona. If I didn't arrive at midnight I would totally go chill at the beach. Besides, I only have NINE HOURS to wait. What was I gonna do? I found a seat and sat around and finished the last day's blog. Then I look around at everyone else who is sleeping on the benches. These benches are not easy to sleep on at all. I show you.
You see, there are arm rest sticking out from both sides. Some people figured out a way to wrap themselves around the arm rest. I couldn't figure it out. I probably spent half an hr trying to figure out how to sleep on this dumb bench. After trying a lot of different combinations of bench, small bag, and big back pack, I finally found a decently less uncomfortable position. I thought I would never fall asleep, but hey what do you know, I slept from 3 to 4am. I didn't wake up because it was too uncomfortable though. Nope, it was because some lady with a bad cough decided to sit beside me. Right beside me. I looked around with one eye and realized she must have did this on purpose! All the other seats were empty! Being scared of catching whatever she had, especially NOW, I woke up, checked the time, and cursed out loud that I got only 1hr of sleep. Today will be the longest day ever. Even though it specifically said check in starts 2.5 hrs before departure (I was 5 hrs early), I went to go check anyway. There was someone at the counter! So I asked her and she said it's fine. I passed security and everything and went to eat whatever you would call a 4am meal. I look at the tickets in my hands (I have 4, one is used), and laughed at myself.
It will take me a total of 34 hrs of traveling and waiting in airports to get home. Totally psyched, I turtle-pace walked to my gate. Hey this looks familiar. Didn't I run frantically through here about a month ago and almost miss a flight? I did!
At this very moment of typing this, I can see sunlight creeping out from behind some clouds. This is very cool. Today, I will see the sun rise in Barcelona and set in Vancouver. I will be chasing the sun all day.

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