Monday 9 July 2012

July 8, 2012
Woke up super early today! Well, at about 8:20am... Rachel got up. I waited for her to finish up in the bathroom before I got up. We had to catch a train at 13:35, so we were a little rushed for time in Bordeaux.
We planned on going to the maison de vin at the center of Bordeaux for wine tasting. Apparently Bordeaux is very famous for their wines. We found out it doesn't open til noon, so we just walked around site-seeing for a few hrs and then went to the maison de vin just to find that they don't open at all on Sunday. Almost nothing was open here on Sunday! The whole city was deserted! Well... at least we got some kind of Bordeaux pastry that costed €0.75 each.
If this place is so famous for their wine, then we must buy some wine. We went into a wine store and couldn't believe the prices. Guess how much the cheapest wine here is. I'll give you a moment to think about it.
We are in France
Bordeaux makes famous wine
This is almost the only store open today
Do you have your number?

Now want to guess how much the most expensive one (that I saw) was?
Close guess but it was €11 000. Make it Canadian and it's about $14 300. To be fair the bottle was the size of my torso, which reminds me, Rach and I found the biggest Absolut Vodka bottle next to a recycling bin here.
I got a well priced bottle of red for my grandparents and Rach and I split a €3.95 bottle of Rose.
We walked back to our hotel and got some nice pics of iconic Bordeaux buildings. We made it to the train station at 13:15. Holy crap my bag just got twice as heavy! 2 bottles of wine jeeze.
Our train took us to Toulouse in 2 hrs, and we were alotted 1 hr to go explore before our next train. We drop our bags off at a locker and then take the metro to the city center. When we got there we got hungry, so we sat down and ate something. By the time we finished, we had to go back to the train station. That's my dose of Toulouse I guess.
Now we are on a train  headed for Nice. It's a 7 hr train, which will be my longest train ride without changing this whole trip.

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