Thursday 5 July 2012

We drove to Mont St. Michel this morning! It was fun. Going 130 km/h speed limit road with a really underpowered sub-compact car really makes me appreciate my car at home. I would say I spent about half the time with my foot to the floor while it struggled to make it to 120 km/h. All these other cars kept passing us, but what can I do? It's trying real hard! In Europe, they love roundabouts. Rach and I, not so much. The first couple we both yelped a little as a car got real close. By about the tenth one, I started to understand why they like them. It makes traffic go so much smoother! No stopping and then starting again like stop signs, no waiting a long time before your turn like stop lights. As long as you know what to do in a roundabout, they're golden. About an hr and a bit we made it to our destination.
This place is like straight out of a fairy tale book. Midieval village built on a little island mountain in the middle of the water. When you see the pics, you will understand. I was so bewildered by the sight of this place. These places aren't supposed to be real! We parked in the parking lot which is very far from the island. We had to take a shuttle that brought us near the entrance.
This place reminded me of Dubrovnik, but much more compact. Surrounded by castle walls, there were narrow alleys and stairways to the top of the island. Rach and I are very tired of museums and churches, so we talked to te entrance of the church, which is at the top of the island, and just entered the gift shop. The view from here was phenomenal. I think we got there at low tide, so we were surrounded by shallow beaches not water. This is comparable to Neueschwanstein  on how majestic it looked.
Unfortunately, it looked like the storm following me wanted to see this place too, BUT it didn't really! It just rained on us a little. So we decided to leave and we randomly chose a place called Granville to go to. Yep we can do that cuz we have a car =). On our way there my trusty navigator fell asleep, so I just kept driving straight until I saw signs.
This place was kinda cool. There was a nice big beach with OYSTERS. Of course I didn't take any live ones. But I took a dead one hehe. I accidently submerged my whole foot into a tidepool, and I came out completely dry! I love my Solomon shoes. Apparently Christian Dior once upon a time lived here too, so we visited the house briefly before the rain caught up to us.
Our drive back was just as fun as our drive there, except now I'm more comfortable with driving here. I even road raged against someone... well from inside the car. I like driving. When we got back to Caen we went to a grocery store to buy some food to make. Screwdriver pasta with carbonara sauce and some potato thingys with orange juice for a total of 10 euros for both of us.

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