Thursday 12 July 2012

So far my journey home has been pretty smooth. I left off at waiting in Barcelona for a flight to Geneva last post and not too much has happened.. I got on the plane at 8:35ish. It's a little better than the last plane. It wasn't as ghetto and I also got the emergency exit seat which was pretty awesome. I sat beside a nice old French man. I took a pic of the mountains out the window and he tells me that I just took a picture of Mont Blanc. I guess like the pen and watch brand. It does look amazing just out the window. He tries to explain how beautiful Geneva is, but too bad I don't have time to leave the airport.
My next flight, the Air Canada flight to Montreal, is not so amazing. First, they take forever to board. But I did get another emergency exit seat which is a lot larger than the last one. Downside, babies. I am going to make an educated guess by the number of laughter and crying and wining that there are about a bagillion babies on board. 3 of which sit in front and behind me. Well that's how I got the emergency exit seat. But it's not worth it. While I was watching the Hunger Games, a baby kept staring at me and trying to get my attention. Never give babies attention if you don't want to play with them for hrs. Agh.
But headphones and loud music does wonders. Probably coupled with the fact that I only got an hr of sleep in 26 hrs but I ended up napping for 4 hrs. When I woke up I watched 1000 Words with Eddie Murphy. Meh... near the end the woman beside me says something along the lines of "we are almost there" then we engage in a full fledged conversation. Her name is Sarah and she's from Montreal but currently works as a teacher in Geneva. I think I learned something about myself. I don't approach strangers, but if someone says something to me and opens the gate, I'll flood you with a conversation. We talked non-stop for the next 40 mins about travelling and things we've learned about ourselves. I've learned quite a bit about myself.
First of all and most important is that I am gravely afraid of being alone. Modena post is the perfect example. Thinking back, I did have an anxiety attack there. I totally freaked out! I need to be around people, even if I don't know anyone.
Second of all, I learned that my ability to learn other languages is completely absent. I don't think anyone understood anything I said in French. In Germany I'm still wondering if thank you is 'danke shen' or 'danke she' or 'danke sher'. I must say though I am really interested in learning German now, mostly because I like how they literally pronounce every letter in their words. Also, they can have words with 3 consecutive 'f's. Not sure how to pronounce that... I love saying hauptbahnof hehe. And all that train lingo like ausgang and engang and farhkarten lol! I'm giggling to myself as I am typing it out. I gotta get Hora and Travis to teach me! With Italian, I don't think I even tried, same with Spanish. I'm completely lost with these Latin-base languages.
I can also be a very patient person. I just learned that during these flights home haha.
I learned a few other things too. For one, the world is so much bigger than I ever thought it was. I've probably met so many people across the world whom I will never see again. This trip alone I went to Barcelona, Figueres, Rome, Florence, Siena, Modena, Milan, passed through Zurich, Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Erlangen, Munich, Neuschwanstein, Dresden, Berlin/ Potsdam, Hamburg, Cologne, Paris, Caen, Bayeux, Granville, Normandy beaches, Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Nice. That's 25 cities in only 5 countries. I missed so many other cities along the way. And to think this trip only barely made a dent in my travels to only Europe. What about South America, Asia, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, North America? The saying goes "It's a small world", but it definitely is not. Hell I only went to Toronto for the first time a few years ago. Guys, don't get too comfortable staying at home. I assume that you are reading this because you're interested in my adventures. Trust me, none of my posts and none of my photos do justice to what I've seen. There have been places and situations that I was in that I omitted from my blog just because there is no easy way to explain it. We only live once, so don't you want to see what the world is like outside your little bubble?

One promise I am making to myself is to not let this trip be the most exciting adventure of my life.

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