Tuesday 12 June 2012

Alright today I'm gonna get to the gross stuff. This morning I woke up early enough to get some free breakfast. I got a coffee and ate 2,mini croissants. No harm right? When I went back to my room the other two girls were sitting on their bed looking exhausted and said to me, "sugar rush..." I actually only went back to my room because I needed to use the washroom. Now with a bunch of guys I would just straight up tell them I'm about to drop the kids off at the pool, but with girls... I don't know if it is so acceptable to be so blunt. Maybe they are gonna blog about some asshole stinking up their washroom later... Well I had to do what I had to do. I went in the washroom, turned on the tap for noise cancelling, and courtesy flushed. I don't know if it worked but I didn't stay long enough to see if they noticed.
I had a bus tour I booked for the city of Milan that included a tour to see Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. It was just a tour, nothing special except that everyone was very very old or in a family. Haha woops but I really wanted to see the last supper! We started the tour at the opera house, La Scala Opera or something, and my stomach didn't feel too good. We walked in and she started explaining the significance of the operachouse, but I wasn't listening, I was looking for a toilet. I literally had to stop her mid sentence and ask her and she gave me an answer that made me need to go even worse! "They are having problems with the water this morning. You can go when we get to the next place." To hell with that! When she gave us free time I went in search of the toilet, and ah hah! I found it. There was no water problem! Totally relieved (or so I thought) I went back out to enjoy a few minutes of the opera house, watched a little rehearsal, then realized the group had left the building. Don't worry I found them across the street. We walk through that giant mall place I was talking about and then we arrived at the cathedral, il Duomo.
She starts talking and my stomach starts churning. This time I didn't bother asking her. I turned around and walked to a nearby cafeteria and use their washroom. Wth this is the second toilet in Italy without a toilet seat! When I got back outside I walked over to the Duomo and sped walked through it. Ok everything was al better now.
We got back on the bus and headed to a castle, Castello Sforzcesco. Just a castle.
Then we finally headed to Santa Maria della Grazie, where the last supper is. It was crazy. We had to go through 3 rooms to enter a room with higher air pressure. There were automatic doors that closed when everyone got in and another door opens. I didn't get a picture of it because we were only alowed to see it in small groups and there were like 5 people policing the room, making sure we don't do any damage. All I have to say is wow, this painting is in bad condition. If it's one of those bucket list things you have to do like it was for me, then it's totally worth paying for the whole tour just to see this. If not, no big deal, you can probably see more detail in a hd photo in a text.
I went for a walk to see the remaining canals cuz apparently Milan use to be like Venice but the facist rule decided to pave over most of it. What a let down. They were like little polluted ponds.
Went back to the hostel and went back out for dinner at the Luini place again. In total I had 3 panzerottis in 3 days because it was cheap and good. The salami and mozzerella one was my favourite. I stayed around the Duomo area and got harassed by people selling all sorts of crap. This one guy, and I'm not exaggerrating, was selling multi-coloured BITS OF STRING. He kept asking me and the moment he grabbed my arm I had to loudly tell him off with my own multi-coloured string of four-lettered words. He got the message and I think his buddies too. No one asked if I wanted to buy their garbage again. So take that as a lesson guys. If someone tries to sell you strings, just give them a piece of your mind loud enough that they won't bother you. Most of them are probably here illegally so they won't do anything (more) to catch police attention.

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