Tuesday 26 June 2012

June 24, 2012
This morning we woke up at 9:30 to get ready a catch another Sandeman New Europe Tour of Berlin. We met at the famous Brandenburg gate at 11am. Today's weather seemed pretty good so it was a real nice tour. There was a lot of talk about WW I and WW II. Apparently we also walked by where Hitler's body is speculated to have been burned. Interesting stuff. We saw what remains of the Berlin Wall, walked by Checkpoint Charlie where the USA and USSR had a tank stand-off, the Memorial for Murdered Jews, and a lot of other things. Jeeze Berlin is full of history. The whole tour took 3 hrs and we finally left off at museum island where 5 of Berlin's most visited museums are plus the Berliner Dome.
Rachel ends up chatting with a guy from Amsterdam, his name is Ward, and we end up going to a flea market at Mauerpark (I think) and it was pretty cool. Some guy had this robot made of power tools and garbage on show doing all sorts of weird things. He was there putting on a show for some money. That is effort ppl. That is worth giving my money to. You know what isn't? Coming up to me with a picture of your fake children, I know they are fake because another woman in Italy have the same children, and asking me to give you change.
There were lots of cool vintage stuff being sold, even though 50% of it was just garbage. We walk to a part of the park where there was a large group of people. Someone explains to me, after me going like "what's going on? what is this? what's happening?", that a few years ago some guy came to the park with a generator and a karaoke machine and just let people sing. Since then, this happens every Sunday and it has grew into a huge thing in Berlin. Behind all of this was a wall with really cool graffiti on it.
We split from Ward and we go to see what Tiergarten was all about. It's all about the Victory column in the middle and a little about the park space. When we got there it began to rain. Not too hard but we were both in shorts and not wearing much more than a t-shirt. We decide to go check out this market plaza close by but still a few train stops away to find that the tour this morning already took us there, so I had the brilliant idea of going to Potsdamer Platz to see the Sony Centre.
For dinner we ate sushi because I horribly missed sushi. It cost us both 10 euros each for dinner, which for me is splurging. After dinner it was about time to go back to the hostel to rest... plus it was raining a lot. We get back to find 2 new roommates from New York who just graduated from high school. They weren't rowdy but more awkward friendly so it was pretty good. We chat a bit and they decide to follow us around the next morning to the museums Rach and I planned on going to.

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