Sunday 10 June 2012

I was so glad to get out of Modena. I woke up at 7:30 all excited to leave this abandoned city... but my train was at 13:07. I packed everything and was ready to go by 9:15, so I went downstairs to use the internet for 2.5 hrs. You will also know that it was in these 2.5 hrs was when I almost had a mental breakdown because it's so lonely in Modena. O well moving on with my life. There was this cute girl sitting in the lounge with me and I thought  about saying hi but it didn't look like she spoke a woed of English. It was confirmed later that either this was true when anoter lady came in and she initiated a conversation in Italian. That or she didn't want to talk to me. I like the first idea more.
At 12 I left the hostel all excited to leave this place, but not before picking up a kebab. It was cheap and I thought you can't go wrong with a kebab! Eh... I guess you could when you use ketchup, mayonnaise, and FRIES. What? Well I love potato so I gave it a try. I ate half of it, the other half is still sitting beside me because I'm torn between throwing out garbage and not wasting food.
This by far was the most stress free trip I had since everything started. I got to the hostel and woopie! A room all to myself with my own bathroom. And what's more? A washing machine outside my room! I took a walk despite weather forecasting rain. Hey I didn't know better. Ever since I got to Europe it was either sunny or cloudy but never constant rain. Around 20 minutes into my walking, it started to rain... then it started to POUR. I was like "yea whatever I know rain I live in fricken Vancouver!" So I kept walking around  and then I look down to see how soaked I was. That's odd... my shirt is turning skin colour... HOLY CRAP I'm wearing white.
I walked into every affordable store... which weren't many... I even considered Lacoste affordable. Not in Europe it isn't. I was to the point where I just needed shelter, so I walked into many stores pretending I was shopping until I found this place.
It was like the Italian version of Sogo, except higher class. You know those cool gadgets you see online but rarely see in stores like ninja star magnets or oversized alarm clocks? They had it all! Upstairs was Louis Vuitton and Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent so I just walked through while ppl were probably thinking, "what in the hell is this poor bastard doing here?" I'm a tourist, I have parents, and I'm hiding from the damn rain thank you very much.
I went back outside Italian Sogo and walked around more. This city center is like a giant mall. Everything from H&M to the Ferrari store was here. I really needed to cover up now ao I walked into this European shop called Bershka. It's like H&M but cooler because we don't have it at home. I found a windbreaker... and also a fake leather jacket in royal blue...the fake leather one was 24 euros while the windbreaker was 18. One totally useless for my trip but AWESOME, the other nice too... But logic kicked in and I got the windbreaker.
When I got back to my hostel I was still alone. I wanted to tackle the task of washing my clothes so I went back out to buy some detergent. I think I stared at that wall of detergent for a good 5 minutes before I chose probably the most expensive one. Hey I am keeping my clothes even after my trip so I gotta treat them nicely right? I also had the room to myself so tonight I dine like a king!
I got back and took a shower before I went to battle the machine. I had to read through the instructions like twice (thank god there were instructions) before I was confident enough to load it up. It must not be a regular machine since I didn't even know washer/ dryer in one existed. Loaded up my expensive detergent. Watched the clothes go around and around. Still feeling uneasy right now as I check on it whenever I hear some weird noises. Went back to my room and two people from Brazil show up. Damn... looks like I don't get the room to myself tonight.

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