Thursday 14 June 2012

I just left the platform from Milan headed for Zurich, Switzerland. I am just completing the first leg of my trip (my trip has 3... it's a tripod). I'm actually very excited! The only other countries I've been to in Europe is the U.K. and France, and both I was in the main cities. And that was back in 07! Or 06? I can't remember atm. Last year we were mainly in Italy so I don't really know what to expect in Germany. I hear that most people speak English, more than in Italy, so that'll be a relief.
My overall experience in Italy is positive to say the least. Last year my favourite city was Florence. This time around, pretty close call between Milan, Florence, and Barcelona. Florence is definitely still up there, but I feel like I have finished Florence... for now at least... and I don't feel a need to go back soon. Same with Barcelona, but I'd like to go back and relax instead of site-seeing. But Milan, I want to go back with friends and family. Maybe not a backpacking trip, but a trip when I have lots of money and maybe rent a car to go to all the nearby areas. What I can tell you guys about Italy that differentiates from home are a few things. For one, traffic laws are not as enforced. People run red lights all the time! The way to cross the street is basically to close your eyes and step out or else you would be to scared to cross. Another thing about Italy is that even though there are a few big cities, they are nothing like ours in Canada. It seems like the way to tell how big a city is is by seeing how old their oldest monuments are. In North America it's more like where is there the biggest buildings. There are virtually no big buildings here. There was one skyscraper I saw from a distance in Milan, but I can't recall anything else. I think this is also because Italy is still quite a religious country. Each city at the center is almost always a cathedral and to respect the church they rarely build anything bigger or better within the city. Pretty cool I think. Seems like they have very organized urban planning... not like Canada.
This may be a very long post, since I am on a 7 hr train ride in total. I'll probably keep adding onto this as I go along to Germany.
We are justing stopping at Como, a town at the lake Como, and jeeze is it beautiful. Looks kinda like a valley with houses and buildings up the side of the mountains. This is a place I would wanna come to if I come back to Milan for sure. I bet if you google some pics of the place you'll get some amazing photos. Our train took us trough the alps and it looked like the rocky mountains but European style. There were little towns and farms. At one place I saw mountain goats just chillin on the steep hills.
 We had to stop at Gochenen due to rock slide on the railway. Took bus to Fluelen, took train to Zug, then finally made it to Zurich 2 hour late for my train to Stuttgart, but no worries I got on the next one at 17:10. Btw I have no idea where any of these places are. I didn't plan on staying in Switzerland and according to the plan I was only supposed to be in Zurich for 18 minutes. Well, I guess I got a little bit of time in Switzerland too now. Let's see... I left Milan at 11:20, had to switch trains once somewhere I didn't really pay attention to the name but apparently was already in Switzerland (this was about 12:30 or so), changed trains again, got on a bus, got on a train, got on another train, now I'm in Zurich leaving the platform at 17:14. What might have been just passing through Switzerland for a couple hours turned to 5... wow. Fun stuff. Also, originally I was supposed to only change once in Zurich. Damn why are my train/ plane rides such a pain? Because all that rhymes is true.
I finally got to Stuttgart. It was pretty easy finding the hostel. This hostel is a lot more full than any in Italy. Starting to feel like Barcelona again. It was 9 and I didn't want to sleep yet so I went out for a walk. O crap... Another mall city... except this place looked more like Granville street but a lot cleaner. I went to find some food and ended up sitting at a kebab place watching the football game. I have to call it football here, I'm in Europe! Germany won! And now everyone is driving around honking their horns and making a lot of noise. Reminds me of the 2011 playoffs... ahhh... well before the riot.

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