Saturday 23 June 2012

I tried really hard to sleep in yesterday but it was impossible. I woke up at 10:30 and hung around my room until 11. Nothing too eventful happened. I walked to a doner place. They gave me this GIANT doner durum (donair) for 3.30 euro and it was so big I couldn't finish it.
I walked back to the old city and tried to kill as much time as possible. Walked to a monument and sat down at a nearby bench a few times and just listened to the buskers. The people playing music on the street here look very professional. All dressed up in tux's and they usually played with a colleague.
I'm not gonna bore you guys with anymore of this day. I ate at an award-winning currywurst place for 5 euros and got away with spending 10 euros the entire day. Walked around the Elbe river (river dividing old and new city) while everyone else was partying it up for the Germany vs Greece game. They won. The end.
I also threw away my pair of running shoes. The support was all gone. We had an awesome run (literally) and I probably put the most kilometers on these shoes out of any I had in my life. Good bye old friend. Don't worry, I'll find a way to get over you.

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