Saturday 2 June 2012

As some of you may know, I went to the beach yesterday afternoon. Holy crap. I am not ashamed to say I have never seen so many topless girls live in my whole life. I just sat down and minded my own business, reading a little and noting down the amount of money I used when suddenly, MORE topless girls set up camp around me. Needless to say I was inclined to stay, YES, family members I am a boy don't looked so shocked. I also needed to get rid of a wicked shirt tan from the day before so it was win win right? What resulted was burnt shoulders and legs but totally worth it. Sorry guys, no pics... so it didn't happen right? Ha no. When you guys come to Barcelona, go to the beach, then come tell me it didn't happen.
Not much else happened. I needed to slow down my spendings! So I chilled at the hostel til night time.
Then I went to do one of my favourite things, take night pictures! After a long walk from thr hostel I got back to the Sagrada Familia. Took almost 50 pictures with different settings until I finally realized I only had a sandwich the whole day. I went to a street nearby that served food in the middle of the street with an awesome view of the cathedral. Got a coke and a Spanish omelet (awful btw) and 2 croquettes. The waiter was an ass and took his sweet time with my order. Gave me dirty looks and such too I think. I sat down at 10:30... didn't eat until 11:00! That is a long time for someone eating alone! It wasn't even cheap! 9.95 euros and crappy food. I didn't want to leave any tip because he deserved none at all. But I had a 10 euro bill and to get my 5 cents back would have cost me another lifetime of waiting. BEFORE YOU GET ALL OFFENDED AND GO LIKE "Jeff you bitch you gave the guy 5 cents as tip for a 10 euro meal??? Go to hell", it is apparently not customary for people to leave tip at all. I bet that guy was so happy with his tip and wondering what great service derserved that. Asshole. But look on the bright side. The whole day I only spent 20 euros. Yay! Less than allotted budget!
I walked back at 12am, realizing it was quite sketch. But so far I have developed a prototype approach to being robbed. Always look angry, sneeze everywhere (wasn't really by choice), walk faster than everyone else, and most importantly, look more sketch than them! I'll patent this approach if I come home without any complications.

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