Tuesday 12 June 2012

I probably had the worst sleep last night. One of the Brazilian guys must hold the record for loudest snore I've ever heard. Yes dad, he beats yours! Every subsequent snore sounded like it was in competition with the last, getting louder and  louder. At 5 am I wished it was later so he would get up and  I can start sleeping. They woke up at 8, making so much noise but it didn't matter, I was already up. Here's where I realized that I think I room better with females... except for one thing I'll mention later.
These Brazilian guys used the washroom without closing the door. Fine we're all guys in here anyway. But jeeze not only do they snore loud, they also pee loud! And what's worse they kept grunting. Wtf? I don't think I'm being high maintenance here. Here I was pretending to sleep through it all so I don't have to talk to them and pretend I'm not disturbed, and they make so much noise. When they finally left I tried to sleep another hour but it was useless, I'm too agitated to continue. I go to the washroom and there was PISS EVERYWHERE. No wonder it was so loud! They kept MISSING. I put on my shoes and tiptoed around the washroom to the sink and did my business.
When I got to the lobby it found out it was raining mercilessly outside, so I went back up to grab my heavy duty raincoat. There was a guy cleaning up our room when I got there. Awesome! Now I don't hsve to deal with all the Corona they left on the floor (Corona = Mexican piss ha ha ha I know they're not Mexican but too angry to differentiate).
10 minutes into walking around it became sunny. I ended up carrying my jacket instead of wearing it for the rest of the day. I did some shopping, walked around streets I haven't been to yet, and ate at this famous place I found online.
It was called LUINI. If you come to Milan you must try this place. They have this thing called a PANZEROTTI which is like a folded pizza. Baked or deep fried. Knowing me I got the deep fried one. 2.30 euros and I was full. I felt awesome.
I was a little spent so I went back to the hostel to get a nap in. I think I fell asleep for like 20 mins before two girls show up in my room. Debra and Sarah and guess what? Korean sisters again. This time they were from New York so it was easy talking to them. They were talking about dinner plans and then I butted in and invited myself. One thing I've learned on this trip is how to invite myself. No one was blunt enough to say no yet muahahaha. We went to a place close by because it was raining like crazy again. I tried the Risotto alla Milanese. Apparently a must if you come to Milan. Risotto cooked with saffron. It was ok... but not enough food for me. I was still so hungry =(. We went back to the hostel and just hung out for the rest of the day.

Side stories:
It took me 13 days to grow this facial hair. Damn asian genes. I wish I could have more of a dense moustache rather than a gapped but individually long whiskers. How did those old time wise chinese men get any girls with such an ugly stache?
Also I walked by this place and it reminded me of Hiss and Mana lol!


  1. Haha awesome! I guess I have to go to Milan now cause they closed down in DT :/
    PS you should get ear plugs lol


  2. Ya but they're champion KEBABS not pizza lol
