Friday 22 June 2012

I woke up in the morning at 8:30am since I can no longer sleep past that time. I packed up last night so I wouldn't make too much noise when I leave but there was no point. Most of the people were already up and not even a thunderstorm can wake the rest of them. I sat around for an hr and a half browsing the internet (I gotta take advantage of free wifi) and then slowly gather my stuff up to check out around 10. The central train station was literally across the street, so I got there at 10:05. My train was at 11:16 so I waited around, found some food, and walked around to see how else I can kill time. I bumped into a few people I met at the Neuschanstein bike tour and it turns out they were waiting for the same train. I had reservations and they didn't, so we didn't sit together.
11:00 rolled around and the train was at the station. I take my seat and began to eat my chocolate croissant I bought earlier. The train was to arrive at Naumburg Saale at 15:24 and I needed to board a train to Dresden at 15:37. About 2 hrs into the ride and after a series of German speaker announcements, we stop at a station for almost half an hr. I thought maybe we were running early so we had to wait. When we started up again there was another announcement in German, followed by a very brief English one. We were 45 minutes late. I do not bode well with trains I realize now. Having gotten use to messing up with trains now, I didn't panic at all. There must be another train to Dresden from Naumburg.
We arrived at Naumburg at 16:20. First thing I did wss go check the timetable. Next train to Dresden in 3 hrs... great. I didn't want to believe that so I went to the information counter and told her my situation, She prints out a piece of paper full of instructions on how to get to Dresden by 19:30. Only one hr wait for the train this time. With the new itinerary, I needed to change at Liepzig. This train got there on time this time, but the train at Liepzig was delayed 10 minutes. No big deal, 10 minutes is better than 3 hrs. A very friendly business man from Frankfurt chats with me while we wait for the train. I learned that no one in Europe has interest to go to Canada like Canadians have interest in going to Europe. It makes perfect sense.
I made it to Dresden at about 19:40. It was so gray and gloomy here but after I dropped off my stuff at the hostel I went for a walk. At first, there wasn't much to see. I went to the nightlife part of town and I was totally not interested. I was going to save the historic part of the city for the next day, but it was only 21:00 and I wanted to sleep in tomorrow. So I decided to go see the historic part oftown. After a 15 minute walk and a feeling of regret, I got to a bridge. I looked  across the bridge and was completely amazed.
Dresden may be the most beautiful city I have been to so far. I was immediately drawn across the bridge to find a collection of impressive buildings all in one place. Individually they are most like all the other buildings I've seen on this trip, but together the whole composition was just amazing. I couldn't help myself but to keep walking around.
After about 2 hours of walking around, I suddenly felt really depressed. A city like Dresden isn't a place to admire on your own. I would say this place tops Venice as being the most romantic place I've ever been to. I walked through the cobble stone paths watching couples and families walk by, old and young, showing so much passion for one another. I can't even express how much I wished I was holding someone's hand too.
Feeling too sad now, I decided to trek back to the hostel. While crossing the bridge I take one last look across the river and promise myself that I'll be back one day, except I won't be alone.
This is the second time I felt like going home since this trip is started. Well, I got over it quite quickly. I just thought what would I be doing if I wasn't in GERMANY? Nothing worth blogging that's what. I understand now that a trip like this isn't meant to be all super fun and smiles.There willbe ups and downs, lefts and rights. I've been stressed out, relaxed, frustrated, calm, enthusiastic, and uninterested more than I've ever felt about anything before. Today, add heartbroken. At least when something inanimate breaks your heart, you can continue loving it and know that it won't hurt you anymore, and also that it honestly never meant to! I think listening to Carlos Santana doesn't help my situation at all. I have one more day alone on this trip. Meeting Rachel the day after tomorrow. I won't have to feel so lonely again but tomorrow is my last lonely day so I'm going to enjoy the solitude one last time and feel all sorry for myself!

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