Wednesday 20 June 2012

This morning I was planning to go to the BMW Welt, museum, and factory... And I did! But I missed the premium tour (19 euros) Where they take you on a tour at all three places. I was half an hr late! But that worked out for the better since I am having trouble paying full attention in tours and losing my patience when they talk about stuff I don't care about. I got to the Welt (I'm assuming the English translation is "world") and put my name down on a waitlist for just a factory tour at 11:30. I had an hour to go to the museum which is across the street, so I did what I'm getting real good at, choosing what's actually important to me and bypassing anything that doesn't tickle my fancy.
  The museum was like a mix of the Porsche museum and rhe Mercedes museum, but leaning more towards Porsche. To be horribly honest, I think this museum by itself is the worst of the three. 1000% better than Ferrari, but Porsche and MB beats it. If you're wondering where all the rich Chinar people are in these big tourist cities, they're all at the car museums. It was horrible. They don't listen to the guys who tell them not to touch the cars! I had to purposely find something to ask about so they know I'm not with the very loud and rude crowd.
  (Btw the clay car looks exactly like mine! Even the bumpers! Except wheels are different)
At 11 I walk back to the Welt to see if I an get in on the factory tour and to my luck (must of been from rubbing that boob) I got in! But so did everyone else on the waitlist. The tour cost 8 euros. It started with a video introducing the brand and going through the history which to my surprise, owned up to it's darker days during WWII. None of the other brands talked about helping with the war, just how it affected their production. We weren't allowed cameras inside the factory, so no photos guys. But you know how you would imagine a production line to be for cars with all the robot arms flailing around? That's basically it. It was pretty cool, we walked by where they press the raw metal, where they assemble the frame, the preliminary painting stages, and the final quality assurance at the end. This made the overall experience on par with the Mercedes museum, but no lanyard this time =(.
  Afterwards I went for a walk to the Olympiapark across another street. It wasn't what I expected. There was no one there, the weather was gloomy, and the buildings looked abandoned. I walked around for about 20 mins and decide to leave. Also it looked like a storm was coming... again.
  I took the train to Marienplatz, if you are keeping up with the blog you should know where I'm talking about, and looked for some stamps and postcards. Then it began to rain so I went back to the hostel. It stopped and it was only 4pm so  decided to look for a post office for some stamps and the girl at the front desk said there was one across the street. I thought I was going to be out for like 5 mins so I wore my slipper and shorts out. Almost a minute into walking it starts to rain again. It took me a little longer than 5 minutes to find the post office. When I saw it from a distance, it began to pour. I can't run in flip flops! And I was already slipping on the wet floor!
  I got inside to see where I can get the stamps but everything was in German. I thought maybe I will just come back tomorrow morning before I board the train to mail stuff out. I walk out to the entrance, and it was straight up storming outside. There were about 20 people waiting at the door staring at the craziness outside. It was raining like crazy and there was so much wind that you could see waves of water in the air. I wanted to wait it out, but it's me, so I got impatient and sacrificed my clothes to get back to the hostel. Holy crap I sh*t you not I was walking in a forever 2 inch puddle and was outside for a whole 15 seconds and I was dripping wet from head to toe. This was a short run towards the train station. I thought I was home free but nope, there is an even longer walk from the station to the hostel. Well since I was already drenched, what could make it worst? Walking in the same storm for another few minutes that's what. It felt like I was taking a cold shower with my clothes on, that's how much rain there was. You know that short of breath feeling when you accidently shower with cold water? That's how I felt. By the time I got back to the hostel I was more than drenched... I don't know what's more than drenched but my clothes were soaked like no part of my pants and shirt was dry and people were looking at me like "wow you walked through the storm?" Hell ya I wanna go nap! But I didn't. I took a shower, waited a couple hours and the rain stopped. I went back out and got some food and sent some mail.
So family and a couple others who requested a postcard, there is one coming at ya from Munich! I think I've sent out 7 postcards so far already so if you want one let me know! I don't have time to figure out where you live and guess if you want one or not (I only did that for one person and it was such a hassle I don't even know if they got it) so don't be shy AND more importanly don't come up to me when I come home and say "where's my postcard?" because I promise you I am going to flip so much sh*t that you would think I was doing some Parkour.

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