Saturday 23 June 2012

Today is Berlin day! Like always I got to the train station an hr early since I don't wanna deal with the stress of running for a train or plane anymore. I got a chocolate croissant and a coffee and found a seat. I was just chilling and enjoying my coffee until this lady fumbling around her stuff spills her's all over the other side of the bench. I, being an awesome Canadian, quickly grabbed all the napkins I had and handed it to her. I have to admit it was very poor presentation since I literally handed her a ball of napkins collected from all over. She cleans up her suitcase and leaves the rest of the mess on the ground. Great now it looks like MY mess. A few people walk by to grab a seat and look down at the floor and look at me. I just ignored them. Logically speaking, who in the right mind would spill their coffee, then keep drinking it right beside the mess like nothing happened? I'm innocent damnit!
I board the train and this one was one with individual rooms. It was great. I shared it with a Norwegian man and a retired couple from Dallas Texas. They were so friendly and so talkative! It was a 2 hr train ride and we chatted the whole way. The woman taught me that if I ever go out for a lunch interview, never order a hamburger because it shows you don't take risks. Also do not salt your food before you eat it because it shows you assume everything.
I got to Berlin on time and went to look for the hostel. I walk into the lobby and guess who's sitting there waiting for me? It's Rachel! I go up to say hi and she gives me this blank look. Um... this is Rachel right? Apparently she was caught off guard by my blossoming facial hair and tanned skin. She didn't recognize me for a split second. That's great I'm a new person from inside to out.
We went to a nearby mall in Alezanderplatz to eat lunch. We go back to te hostelcto get our room and we start looking up what to do. After an hr or so we headed back out and do a little walk to the museum island to get a grasp on the geography here. Then it started to rain. So we decided to get dinner and do more research. Rachel starts telling me about Burkenstock sandals and I want a pair now. We eat currywurst at a restaurant and it was the best I've had so far. Well it apparently originated in Berlin so it must be good here. I have a nice local beer to go with my sausage and fries and then we went to a park.
We play with some of the stuff at a park, walk by an outdoor screening of Hugo, and watch some ducks sleep.When we got back to the hostel we meet a brother and a sister from Calgary traveling together in our room. Rach and I go down to play a game of foosball (kicked her ass btw) and then we go plan out our stay in Berlin. 5 days doesn't seem like enough...

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