Saturday 16 June 2012

Yesterday I met up with Nicole again because we're in the same place at the same time again! 3rd place now! We took a bus out to where Hitler had his rallies. I must say it's such a shame that he got so ambitious before his buildings were realized. There's a colloseum at the area we went to that, if finished, would have been larger than te Colloseum in Rome. We took a huge long walk around the place which has turned into a leisure park with lakes and everything.
Afterwards she invited me to the place she's staying with her friend for dinner because she was cooking. Cheap home cooked food? How can I say no. I helped get some of the food at the market and we went back to her friend's apartment. She was cooking up a storm while I sat there and watched in awe. Her friend brought back some wine and orange pop and mixed the two. It's pretty good! But wine makes me sleepy so I tried not to drink too much.
The dinner was great! I haven't felt so full since I started this trip. We keep drinking on her balcony and they start dancing to 'schlager' music. I still don't get it but it was funny. They got so happy that they decided to go out and find a schlagerbar. I was so tired but I sucked it up and followed. We end up at some gay schlagerbar... and after a drink we went in search for another. We then got to an Irish pub full of tourists.
We left to walk around the old city and it was pretty interesting. There are all these weird fountains all over the place, and by weird I mean messed up. I'll try to get some pics today because I couldn't get pics in the dark.
We ended the night at a falafel place, where I'm about to go grab a lunch right now since it was so cheap!

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