Sunday 3 June 2012

I had an awesome trip from Barcelona to Rome! This morning I woke up at 7 with my things already packed and ready to go. It took me until 7:30 before I walked out the door to the train station that goes to thr airport. So afterwaiting about 15 minutes the train finally comes. Great I am almost there. NOT. The train took about 20 minutes to finally get to thr airport but the journey isn't over! There is a bus that has to take you to the terminal. Ok great 8:15 now and this bus is making all these circles around the airport to finally get to the terminal. 8:25. I frantically look around to see where I can drop off my bag. 8:35. Found the lineup but the guy at the counter was super slow. 8:45. 8:55. Btw did I mention my flight was at 9:25? You see, the receptionist last night at the hostel said 7:30 is plenty of time. I guess she never went to the airport by metro. 9:05 when I got to the counter with my heart beating like a drum and I had the courage to ask, "will I make it?" "No the gate is closed." "What should I do then???" "You can try to make it but I don't think you will. You don't have time to check that bag. Take it with you."
So I ran like crazy with a 40 lbs bag on my back to security. I quickly get by with my boarding pass in hand begging the security to let me cut the line. It worked. 9:20. I run to my gate which was quite far from security to find the two clerks at the gate were still there. I run, panting while asking if the plane left yet. They make a call, says it's too late to check my bag but I can still get on! They hurry me through the gate and I made it in at 9:25 exactly. Jammed the bag into the overhead compartment while 2 flight attendants repeatedly said next time you have to check that bag. I go to my seat and fall asleep almost immediately. Little did I realize, I just brought a lighter, a knife, lots of liquids, and a nail clipper on board. I guess being late gives you priviledges.

An hr and a half later I'm in Rome. I was totally spoiled at my first hostel. My first thought was "crap, I fell into an underground prostitution recruitment scheme". Everyone here is a girl! Some with piercings and tattoos and not the hot kind either.
I went to the Vatican Museum to find that it is CLOSED on sundays... so I went to St. Peters basilica instead.

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