Saturday 2 June 2012

Today I went to the old city with Adi to find a pastry shop that made CHOCOLATE HAMBURGERS!! I needed to find these hamburgers so I followed her. Many times she wanted to give up and just sit at the nearest cafe for breakfast but I wasn't giving up that easy. Chocolate hamburgers for gods sake!
Here is a picture of us on our journey. I was sweating like a pig, parched, and tired. When we finally got there I wasn't in the mood for chocolate, I just wanted water! Looking back now I wish I got one. But when I looked around I was distracted by strawberry croissants.
So this is a map of Barcelona. It is decievingly larger than it looks. After the journey to the hamburger we walked back to the hostel. Hours later Adi went home to Paris and I decided that I didn't grt enough Gaudi yet so I went to the Casa Batllo.
There was apparently a rich guy who was like "I'm gonna show off how rich I am by making everyone else feel like crap on my street" so he commissioned Gaudi to design his home. It's supposed to resemble St. George, the patron saint of the city, killing a dragon while all the balconies were skulls of the dragons victims. Pretty cool but it cost me 18 euros!!!! And tbh this wasn´t the best attraction. It was just very curvy and organic. One thing I´ve learned while in Barcelona is that tourists are jackasses... mostly. Mostly rude and loud and almost never follow instructions.

Overall these are my thoughts of Barcelona:
Everyday I almost get run over by scooters (on the sidewalks it says something in Catalan to which I can only guess says one in three people die from car accidents in Barcelona).
I want a scooter.
There are probably as many English speaking people here as Chinese speaking people.
I´m never eating another Spanish omelet.
People are generally nice... just not other tourists.
The city is kind of a mix of Paris and Venice. There are the big open boulevards like Paris and then when you get to the old city they are all narrow streets.
The crosswalks are very annoying. You always have to walk around the building to get to the crosswalks... I´ll explain if you ask me when I´m back.
Almost all cars are dented here.

The only thing that I really feel sad about is that I know my family would really enjoy this place with me. There are so many of those little stores with weird little stuff that I know my mom would just love. Lauraine would love the old city because there is a street full of brand name clothing and high end merchandise. My dad would love the view of the sea at the beach. Jessie would love Gaudi I think... since you like all those colourful stuff... also I think Britto is Spanish no?

Anyway. Last night in Barcelona and I´m taking it easy at the hostel writing this up. Off to Rome tomorrow morning yayyyyy!

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