Thursday 7 June 2012

Today the people I am sharing room with were supposed to get up early to go see the real David sculpture but none of us got up until 10. Julien had to leave for his new hostel and Maru, the other girl in our room, really wanted to see David while I wanted to see something the Medici chapel I missed last time I was here. We all split and I end up going around randomly looking for a hat to block the sun. Somehow I ended up at the chapel I wanted to go see. I thought it would be free... nope. 6 euros and you can literally walk as slow as you can and get through the chapel in half an hr. But I didn't just walk, I sat down and got my dam moneys worth! Michelangelo sculpted the tombs for Lorenzo and his bro Guiliano in the Medici chapel that's why I wanted to go so bad. When I left I went down to the market area to continue my search for a hat. Ridiculous! 15 euros for a hat I saw for 4 euros in Rome! I should have just bought that one. But realizing I'm spending too much, I held back and didn't get one. I walked by the place my family and I had dinner one time, the place my mom bought a lot of fancy candy, and by our hotel last time. I walked over to the

 Uffizi museum and there was this guy playing the guitar like a pro! I sat and listened to him for an hr and a bit. Free classical guitar show beside the Uffizi and the palazzo Vecchio! What more can you ask for? I was contemplating whether I should buy his cd... but I don't have much room... and I don't have much money... that was also why I stayed there so long. I was caught in a dilemma. In the end I just left... planning to go back tomorrow night or maybe even tonight to see if he's around and I'll probably just give him some money... But I didn't go back.

 I met up with Julien and Nicole, one of the girls I met in Rome, to head up to Piazzale Michelangelo to watch the sunset. We took a bus and got up there (it's on a hill) at 8:00. We found this super cheap place to eat dinner. 5 euro all you can eat buffet with a drink included. After exploiting this restaurant's awesome deal and making them regret letting us in, we decided it's time to go see the sunset. We took like a hundred pics collectively trying to get a clear picture of the cool colours. When we finished, we took the bus back down, got some gelato (frutti di bosco flavour) and all split up to our own hostels.

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