Monday 18 June 2012

I'm in Munich! I got here the night before (actually the morning) at like 1am. I woke up at 8:30 and I was going to go to the BMW factory and museum. Good thing I checked their website this morning. They are closed on Mondays. So I checked out what Jenn suggested I do in Munich and that was to join the free waking tour called Sandeman New Europe. It was pretty good.
  We started in Marienplatz (I know you guys probably have no idea where... don't worry I'll include a map this time) and just walked around the old part of the city. There was a church where there was a story about the devil leaving his footprint in there which was pretty cool until she burst the bubble by telling us it was the architect's footprint. We stopped where Hitler tried to start a revolution in 1923 but failed and also where he gave his speeches to his troops. We also stopped at the residence of the guy who invented Oktoberfest, which I found out started out as an anniversary of his marriage but got extended over time.We went into the royal brewery where we talked about beer... we actually heard a lot about beer. That German stigma about them loving beer and drinking a lot of beer is not an exaggerration at all. It was a total of 3.5 hours and I tipped her 5 euros. I can't afford much more! Others tipped her like 20 euros, which if I could dish out I would because she totally deserved it.
I walk around a bit afterwards to look for a bike tour Jessie's friend Adie told me about. When I got there I booked a tour around Neuschwanstein castle for tomorrow and he suggests a few places to see in Munich. There is this giant park in the middle of the city where he told me "hot chicks hang out there." Yes I love hot chicks so I went. It was far and I've already been walking for a total of 4 hrs +. When I got there I suddenly had a crazy thought, isn't there a giant park at home where most pretty girls hang out in the summer time? It's got a pool, nice scenery, beach... what's it called? O ya Stanley Park. Why am I going halfway around the world to see German Stanley Park (it's called Englischer Garten btw)? Because people SURF IN THIS PARK. That's right, there is a little river that runs through the park and people can surf at one end of it because the water rushes in real fast.
Ok it was kinda cool but I don't think it was worth the walk. I took the bus back to my hostel and took a shower. Went back out to look for a new SD card and some postcards but came back with only an SD card. Sorry guys no postcards yet but I'll get right on it next time I go souvenir shopping!

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