Monday 18 June 2012

I had a very lazy day on Sunday. I got up about 8:00 and lslowly packed up my stuff and got ready to check out. I was all ready by 10:00 and there is no internet in my room so I went down to the reception and put away my bags in their luggage room. Did I mention I decided to extend my stay in Nuremberg til the night? I was supposed to leave at noon but then I didn't want to watch another Germany game on my own so I took up the offer to watch with Char, Jenn and their friends. Jenn had church and Char had some chores to so so we agreed to meet up at 4... What was I gonna do until 4?!
I hung out at the hostel using internet whatsapping some people for almost an hr, then hung out at the train station for an hr for lunch, then went back to the hostel to check what else there is to do in Nuremberg that I haven't already done (nothing I could afford or was interested in), walked back into the old city to find it deserted, and just sat around fountains and people watched. O but I did manage to get a few pics of the weird fountains.
At 2:30 I slowly made my way to the train station. I had to meet Char in Erlangen which is a 20 minute train ride. I was actually slow enough to catch the train right when it came into the station! Char gave me all these instructions the night before about where to wait for her, and I still messed up and went the wrong way. She ended up coming into the station to find me. Woops my bad.
We take a driving tour of the city she lives and works in, which was really nice because the weather was great and the scenery was so peaceful. We got gelato near her apartment and then she shows me where she's been living for the past year. On our way out she remembers she needs to get her summer tires mounted on her car (um... kinda late) and as a price for the tour I helped her load her car up with her summer wheels. Hatches are amazing with space.
We met Jenn at her apartment and we head out to a beer garden to watch the game. I realize I don't fair well with strangers who are friend's friends. It makes it that much more awkward for me to talk to them. I'm totally fine with starting a conversation with strangers on my own, but not when I'm among friends.
When it was time to leave we said our good byes and I headed over to take the train back to my hostel. There were so many people celebrating the Germany victory. Everyone was honking and yelling out their windows. Remember the 2011 playoffs where we drove around and honked at random people and started screaming? This is like exactly that except maybe a little rowdy-er. It was 10:50pm and I needed to catch the 11:57pm train or else I would have to wait 4 hrs before the next train to Munich comes.Don't worry! I can now walk faster than I ever could so I made it there at 11:20 and hopped on the train. Little did I know that this was the wrong train, but it got there the same. It was an earlier train than the one I intended to catch.

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