Saturday 16 June 2012

Museums! Porsche and Mercedes to be exact. I was a little skeptical about this since Ferrari was such a let down. I think I should let the pictures do the talking.
The Mercedes museum was even better! You ride an elevator to the top and you're immediately greeted by a horse. This place was so thorough with it's history. I got to see Ringo Starr's Mercedes, the Jurrasic Park ML, one of the first gull-wing SL's, and last but not least, the cars that got me through Gran Turismo.
At the end of the museum, they GAVE me a Mercedes lanyard. Alright BMW... you are gonna have to be super impressive to top this place. There was even a test track you can see out the window from the upper floors. Germany is amazing.
When I got back to the hostel I was going to write about it here, but someone in my room started talking to me, his name was Hamesh (Hamish?), amd I got side tracked. We went to te market and I bought a can of something for 0.79 and ate it for dinner. Yesss ultra money saving! Nooo he wanted to go drink. But we are in Germany and there was another football game so we went out. I had a litre of beer for 7 euros, good beer in fact. What is wrong with Vancouver? 7 euros is like 10 bucks and  I could never drink that much, needless to say good beer, anywhere!

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