Friday 29 June 2012

June 25, 2012
We woke up at 9:30 with plans to go to the Pergamonmuseum, which for me is a huge highlight of Berlin. Rachel wanted to see this giant fish tank at te Radisson Blu so we stop by there first. The 4 of us then walk down to the museum island and get in right away since we bought the Berlin Museum Pass. Imagine a museum that took pieces of ancient buildings and put it on display INSIDE. That's what the Pergamonmuseum is. We spent about 2 hours there and our roommates get bored and went on their own.
Rach and I head over to Wittenburg Platz to get lunch at a place called Witty's which has a reputation for having the best currywurst. It was their FRIES that got us though. Big juicy fries with garlic mayo. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. It was awesome.
When we finished we walked across the street to a luxury department store called KaDeWe. I think here was where I saw Rach the most excited since we met up. She was giving me a rundown of all te expensive brands. This was like a purse museum for her. Unable to afford anything we leave the department store and head to the Bauhaus museum.
The museum was meh. Kinda small and not much to see. I was expecting some cool architecture models by Mies van der Rohe, which there were, but not a lot. We bumped into our roommates there breifly and then we split again.
We train back to Alexanderplatz, where our hostel is, and get a pizza for dinner. It wasn't enough for me so we go to the mall food court where I got some fast food noodles and we just sat there and chatted for a while.
When we got back to the hostel we bumped into Horatiu! He was out to have a few beers so I dropped off by stuff and went downstairs to the bar at the hostel to catch up. Rachel was tired so she didn't join. We chat for a bit and these other people show up at our table to talk to us. Hora hadn't eaten dinner yet so we leaves me with a bunch of strangers. I end up talking to this Russian guy for over an hr until Hora came back. Russians have awesome stories. I'm not being racist, it's just a general observation I've had since I came on this trip. He tells me about this awesome beer drink that I will have to find at home and make the mix because it is delicious. At about 1am a familiar face shows up, it was Kenny McIndoe! I'm not sure if I spelt it right but you guys might know who I'm talking about. We drink more and the Russian guy tells us more ridiculous stories. By 3am I got super tired so I packed it in while they kept chatting.

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