Tuesday 5 June 2012

Ok this blog is ridiculous. It doesn't play well with my tablet. After the Spanish Steps I just wanderered around and ended up at the fontana di trevi. Everything looks prettier at night. Story goes that if you turn around and toss a coin into the fountain while making a wish, it'll come true... Eh like all fountains??? I sat there for a while trying to take some cool pics and all I could notice were couples making wishes and throwing coins into the fountain. Let me guess. "I wish we will be together forever and  ever." When I got sick enough of the romance, I started back to the hostel. This was about 12am and the streets were still bustling like crazy. Hey Lauraine I walked by that place with the rich bag. They changed the display to this:
It's a bank now. This was by the Triton fountain right?
Got back to the hostel and finished my first day of Rome.

Next morning (Monday) I realize there are 2 girls I haven't talked to yet, so I initiate. Turns out they from Argentina and are Korean! I found this so weird. Have you ever heard of asians who have Spanish as their first language??? Luckily they spoke good English too. Theycwere planning to go to the Vatican so I tag along for try number 2. No luck. We walkcaround St. Peter's Basilica, they take a few silly photos, then we walked over to Castel Sant Angelo.
They tell me theywant to go to the Colloseum next and hey look! I have my ticket from the day before from going to the Roman forum! We hop on a packed bus and have no idea how to pay, so we just stood there til we got to our stop. (p.s. don't mind all the spelling mistakes and missed spacing. I'm typing on like a typewriter.... I can't go back to fix it...)
When we got to the Colloseum (Colossuem? Collosseum?) we got to skip the huge line. Hell ya! Walked around the place for a good hr and a half before our hunger caught up to us.

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