Wednesday 6 June 2012

The next day all three girls left the hostel and I was left all alone. I decided to try one more time to go to the Vatican Museum and left at 11:30am. I got to the museum at about 12 and no lineup at all! There are people standing around St. Peter's basilica that scare you and tell you that there is a 2 hour lineup outside the Vatican. Retards. I literally walked in without waiting one minute. I also ran into two of the girls that changed hostels the day before and I joined them for a bit. I spent 4.5 hrs in the museum. Holy crap I missed a lot the last time I was there! Did you know you can see the pope-mobiles there?!? I got to the Sistine chapel and there were so many people. There are guards that keep yelling NO PHOTO... but I photoed... multiple times hehehe. I was starving so I finally left the Vatican to eat. 15 euros later I was hardly satisfied with my fettucini alfredo. I enjoyed my peach juice more... I took the metro back to my hostel and ran into the same girl again! Rome is small eh? When I got to my room I was all alone... this creeped me out so I took a short nap. And hr later someone finally showed up. Miguel from Ottawa Yay! We chat a bit and get to know each other. We take the conversation downstairs to a cafe where we had a bottle pf wine. Knowing me and my tolerance, I was quite drunk off the first bottle. He wanted more and who am I to stop him, so we went to find another bottle. We bring the bottle back to the hostel and continue. At this point I was smashed. We were talking about our personal lives and exchanging heartbreaking stories to each other. It was hilarious! By my second glass of the second bottle, I realize I was messed. Needing sleep, we decide to down the rest of the bottle quickly. Big mistake. I puked my expensive Alfredo out and then passed out. Next morning I had to wake up at 7 to catch a 10:15am because no way am I running with my bag again. I was still drunk. But I got ready and went for a 10 minute drunk walk to the station. It was horrible! Hot, heavy bag, head spinning, stomach churning. I got to the station at 8 and fell asleep til 9:30. At about 9:50 I remembered that I have to activate my Eurail pass before using it. I go to the ticket booth and there was a huge lineup. Crap I did it again. Waiting in line. 10:00. Almost there. 10:10. At the counter. 10:13. RUN! I was lucky again. Made it on but someone had taken my seat. O well sit somewhere else. Sat down and closed my eyes. 15 minutes later I realized something was wrong. I quickly ran to the bathroom and started hurling my guts out. I stayed in there for a good 15 minutes and thought I don't need a seat, I just wanted to stay there. Nothing else really happened after that. Got lost on the way to the hostel, what's new? Slept til 3 until someone came into my room. Welcome Julian. He went to sleep and I took a walk. Came back and we went to find dinner. Guess where we went? Jersey Shore was here! This place was once violated by the cast of Jersey Shore. It was all by chance we ended up there too. Finished dinner and walked around for a bit and ended back in the hostel.

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