Saturday 30 June 2012

Today Rachel, Horatiu, and I planned to go to the Neues Museum where they had the Egyptian collection including the famous bust of Nefertiti. We wait in the lobby for Hora but he doesn't show up so I go to his room. He was still sleeping so we went without him. Rachel and I give ourselves an hr and a half to walk around the museum but it was definitely not enough.
At 1ish we meet Hora back at the hostel to go to Potsdam together. After a 45 min train ride we get to Potdam and look for a bike rental place. It was 8.50 euros to bike ride for 4 hrs, which was pretry decent, We biked around the palaces around Potsdam for a few hours and it turned out to be a very nice day even though it was overcast earlier. Germany is cold thoug. I had a t shirt and a jacket on and I still felt cold at times on the bike ride.
After the ride it was 6:30 and Hora takes us to the legendary doner place he has been talking about since I tols him I was coming to Berlin. The lineup was crazy! We waited over an hr to get this doner but Hora assures us tat it was worth the wait. Btw the place is called Mustafas so if you ever hear Hora talk about a great doner place in Berlin it's probably this place. When it was time to order, we didn't want to have waited all that time for one doner, so we each also got a durum to go. O also a doner is how they spwll donairs here and a durum is like the stuff in the donair wrapped up instead of on a pita bread. It was as good as Hora hyped it up to be. Roasted tomatoes, potatoes, and the sauce was amazing. Absolutely content with dinner, we head back to the hostel.
When we got back we run into Stefan the Russian guy and we promise him we will come down to hang out with him in a bit. Our plan for this night was to try and get a little Berlin partying on. When we met up with Stefan he shoes us this crazy way to set fire to sambuca and another drink with tequila and sprite called Tequila boof. I had another one of those good beer mixes I talked about in the last blog called Bananavitan I think and then we head out to look for a bar.
We walk around the area a bit and end up at this building that is best described as something straight out of a horror movie. Grafitti all over the inside and outside, missing windows, and very dark. We make it up to te 3rd level and we start to hear music and see more lights. When we walked into one of the rooms, it was a weird atmosphere. There were people drunk, high, and also selling little jewelry. Yes it didn't make sense to me either.Figuring most of the people there were probably high off something, we go back out and grab a drink from a kiosk outside. This was about 2am. That's what I love about Europe. Access to any type of alcohol for very cheap at any time of day amd you can drink it everywhere. We try this beer called Desperado which is beer mixed with tequila. It was surprisingly really good!
When we got back to the hostel we sit down and chat with another Russian guy and Stefan goes to sleep. I can't remember the details of this part of the night, but I do remember ending the nigh off by taking a bunch of photos in a photobooth at the hostel with the 4 of us.

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