Sunday 10 June 2012

Before I forget! Here are some things I learned from people I meet:
1. In Spain, you kiss people on each cheek once as a greeting (I felt so uncomfortable when someone did it to me.)
2. When you cheers to drink, you must look the other in the eyes or else you will have bad sex for 7 years (no wonder!)
3. No one calls it a washroom here.
4. There are Asians who don't speak their native language or English.
I will add more when I learn more or remember more.


  1. French people do the kissing on each side thing too...xept I'm exempt cuz i'm Asian, I get awkward hugs instead =)

  2. lol a Spanish girl told me that each country does it a little different. like 2 kisses on one side or just one side or whatever
