Saturday 9 June 2012

Yesterday was a fun day, I woke up early to meet Nicole at the train station since we decided to go to Siena together. We planned on meeting at 9:45, but she didn't get there until 10:20. She had this sad  look on her face and before she said hi, she told me that she had lost her camera sometime between the night before and this morning. Bummmerrrrr. I tried to help her remember what happened yesterday and comfort her but it really sucks losing a camera! We talk to the police, they don't care much about lost cameras. So we decided to try and foget this for now and deal with it later. We bought a ticket to Siena and continued with our original plan. When  we got there, we had to find a bus that goes into the city center, so we walked around and found other tourist looking people and  blindly followed them.

 Everyhing worked out! We went to the old city hall which looked strikingly similar to the one in Florence then we went to the cathedral. From the outside it's not so impressive. But the inside, wow! As Nicole discribed it, "It's like we are walking among giant zebras."
The columns are all striped and the detail on the walls and  floor were amazing. Paid 3 euros and got an awesome deal out of it. We walked around for a while then I realized I was starving out of my mind! We wanted to eat at the open plaza in front of the city hall (I really can't remember what it's called... google it in another tab if it bothers you) and just get some food from a pizzeria. I already had a sandwich in my bag so I didn't need to get anything. I think we went into 10 different pizzerias before Nicole found something to eat. I was patient... but I think she sensed I was getting irritated because she ended up buying 2 hot dogs! We walked back to the plaza and I finally got to eat my sandwich. All irritant feelings subside and I'm happy again. Nicole gets super entertained by some pigeons bathing themselves in the fountain... which I have to admit was pretty funny!
 After using the same method of getting to Siena, we got back to Florence. She went back to the hostel to see if she could find her camera and  I go back to my hostel and rest for a bit. We planned on meeting up again at 10pm so I started walking at 9:30 and ran into Miguel! Remember Miguel? You know, the guy who got me so drunk before my train ride? Anyway, we chat for a bit but he didn't come along because he had an early train to catch. Too bad. Met up with Nicole and she told me her camera was forever lost. We walk around and run into a clown show, some concert at the palazzo Vecchio, guitar players on thr ponte Vecchio, and the crazy guitar guy I was talking about last time! All in all it was a pretty good day... well for me at least. I did so much and only spent 26 euros all day!

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