Tuesday 5 June 2012

We went to eat. I had some spaghetti carbonara... it was cheesy. The two girls, Adriana and Juliana, taught me some Spanish and Italian, all of which I forgot. They are hard languages! Btw this day it wasn't very hot. In fact there were moments where I felt like I should have brought a jacket. When we finished it looked like it was going to rain, but I wasn't going to let some rain stop me from exploring. We split up, they went to the Palatino (I was there yesterday) and I went to see the Pantheon, Piazza Novano, and the Campo di Fiori. I had some gelato and sat around for a bit before I went back to the hostel.
I got back and everyone was back in the room, including a new girl, Reinah from New Zealand. Still all girls in here but at least now I know them. They went to the supermarket to grab some stuff and I decided I wanted to take a nap. Plan failed. Another girl walked in with 2 of her friends. First Canadian I met and also from Vancity! But she came in to pack up because she found a cheaper hostel. We chat a while with her friends and that's when I found out one of the girls were also going to Florence when I'm going. So we exchange info and we make a plan to meet up when we get there.
After the girls left Reinah came back and then we did more chatting. We made plans to meet up the other 2 girls at the trevi fountain at 9 so we started heading there at 8:30. We grabbed a couple beers and drank them along the way. That's a picture of Juliana, Adriana, Reinah, and myself at the fountain. I think I got really red after one beer. We got bored and Reinah and I walked back while the other two stayed a little longer. Btw Nate I think she is probably better and faster at rolling than you are unless rolling tobacco is different. She did it super quick while we were walking! By the time we got back the other two girls just caught us at the door. They got lazy and took the metro that's why they were so fast.

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